Annie Vainrub

Director of Education


Annie Vainrub is the International Director of Education for CADENA Foundation. She is dedicated to educating and inspiring children to understand CADENA’s mission and to help people and their communities become resilient and prepared in case of a humanitarian crisis. Her educational programs include the Re-Generation program, which aims to educate students on how to become better human beings, and the CADENA Initiative, a contest for middle school students on the best idea to protect people in vulnerable communities facing a humanitarian crisis.  Annie inspires the value of Tikkun Olam in her lessons to better mold humanitarian values in different communities.

With a bachelor's in Education, a master's in Curriculum Design and Educational Technology, and a Fellowship in Experiential Jewish Education, Annie has gained the knowledge that has helped her design educational programs oriented to different communities, cultures and ages. She founded and developed a Hebrew school providing Jewish Education and Hebrew language to children through hands-on experiences and exposure to Jewish organizations. Annie has also led professional development courses at the university level for school personnel that train staff on best practices in early childhood education and emerging trends in the educational field. She founded a consulting company to guide different communities in creating Jewish education programs outside school as an outlet to practice religion in a fun and educational manner. Annie was a university professor in Caracas, Venezuela and taught a Peace Education and Conflict Resolution course.